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Mexican Restaurant If you love Mexican Burgers, you'll love San Angelo TX

Reviews or News about Mexican Restaurants


Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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Burgers from Mexican restaurants have been on my radar lately. If you caught my piece about JewBoy Burgers in Austin, you might remember owner and chef Mo Pittle raving about such burgers from his hometown of El Paso. Over the last few months, multiple sources have confirmed mom and pop Mexican restaurants harbor these sleeper menu items. Armed with multiple recommendations, I set out to eat four burgers in 24 hours and bear witness to the magic of double-toasted buns, the one-two punch of guacamole and jalapeño, and an enchilada moonlighting as a topping. And, of course, seasoning. “The heart of a Mexican restaurant burger is the seasoning,” said Emanuel Villedo, manager of Hidalgo’s West.
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