G G Giga311 Apr 29, 2010 haha you don;t believe me...your pics are just plain and simple...there are different angles colors and shading...thats the the kind of work you would see in a gallery...you got a talent there haha
haha you don;t believe me...your pics are just plain and simple...there are different angles colors and shading...thats the the kind of work you would see in a gallery...you got a talent there haha
G G Giga311 Apr 29, 2010 like your pics....you sexy and they actually pretty artistic...damn girl haha
J J J.Ruiz Apr 16, 2010 a mistake?.........hit me up if u need a "point-of-view".......shit but i hope it works out you know..
a mistake?.........hit me up if u need a "point-of-view".......shit but i hope it works out you know..