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  • I'm good just talking 2 1 of my cusions laughing @ him about his lady problems hahahah
    What bout u what u gonna do this weekend?
    Shit i bet after all u been playig it well i htit u up in a min then cuz the teacher waliking around anywyz alright so hold up
    but on da real idk iz just wat i feel inside. sumtimez i just feel u aint real n sumtimez bak of my head i feel u got anotha man or doin ur thang. idk i guess 4rom wat i been thru i think liek dat n it haz happen datz y im sayn if u have anotha man or liek sumone else itz kool just tell me da truth b4 it getz worse feel me.???? so idk. u tell me
    ok luk 4rom my past exper.. wit relationshjipz n shit
    most gurlz alwayz say dat. evn abotu da money. " im savin 2 c u bla bla bla. money aint everythin
    n if we do meet n chesterfiled umm just lettin u kn0 off da bak sum of my x'z i datd n michigan um der all kool wit me but one n when we both go 2 michigan u well find out which one..lol i mean since imma b goin 2 parties wit my uncle n if i get a gig or play at a club or sumshit. i dont really sty n chesterfild a lot u kno dat onli my real dad my step mom n lil sista n my step momz side of da familia live n chesterfield i sty n Capac near imlay city. itz 30min drive 4rom chesterfield but ill go sty wit my dad if u do cum so we can chill. n since my dad givn me hiz Dodge Neon car ill pik u up or take anotha car 2 pik my otha pplz 4rom otha citiez n we all chill. cuz dey hit my celli up sayn dey wanna smoke n drink wit me n u culd meet my boiz n my humgurlz azwell..lol
    Shit i bet there young but hey i gotta were going to the libary ok i love u and glad and everyone says hi and they miss u ill let them know wat u told me ok by babygirl ill text u later
    Dam ma thats crazy i wuz like dam hopes its not like that when we go we tried to call but there wuz no answer we were worried as fuck
    O yea and dam girl are u alrigth thou i heard there were alot of tornadoes in oklahoma and shit did ya get hit or anything
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