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  • we'd get along good, but I dont know if u could handle my random thoughts and my straight up personality.
    haha, my brother says I should have been born a male.. Im such a bitch, like when he trys to explain something most of the times when Im mad im like alright, did I ask u? or what the fuck..? haha..
    Im so mean, but I try to be nice.. that nigga.. seems like a fucking liar, or maybe I just feel that way cause I been around nothing but liars all my life?

    :) no ur the ass
    Im such a dick, I'm an asshole to him... I guess , I like being unhappy .. I like making people feel stupid..
    and he puts up with me.. smiley face. lol, well.. he's trying.. but just the little things he does is annoying..

    Grr, douche bag.
    I've never heard no mothafucker with that butt ugly name lol.
    maybe a pig? haha.. same here, but I still love him.. just not the same.. but if he wanted to make stuff work and show me he was willing to change more for me, I'd probably still try..
    You sound just like him, and remind me of him.. on how you are, he was the same way and lost something very precious.

    But unlike him he never understood I got mad because He wasnt there enough for me.. he always thought I just wanted to argue.. but truth is, it was because he didn't make time for me.

    yup.. lol, no how about... Sue may?
    So she left, because you didn't have time for her??

    Same sort of situation here, and he was always busy... never had much time for me but since I loved him I still stuck around , and he still wants to work things out.. but it's like .. I told him who knows anymore, maybe later on when your life is better to my life situations..

    haha... Cha.. may.
    O yeah,??? What happened.. me too, Im still trying, but this shit.. is like too complicated.. I just don't know.. feel me??

    Haha, phat.. baby
    you have a girlfriend, and nigger I have standards.. or you have to kick my ass in one round in boxing.. but no hands lol jk.

    haha, no I'll name them , something unique.. Wo_0ah.
    We would make some pretty asain babys if we ever went out lol, haha.
    lol, my face a fruit cake? No wonder you like bitting me..

    haha, I can pull it off, if I were to say I am mixed with chinease.
    People believe me at school when I tell them that, and they are the dumbasses lol.

    haha, Ima call u fruit cake jk jk lool
    I am being mean, I thought you woulda picked up on it.. lol, but your just making sure I guess.
    lol, wow, picking fruits really?

    Damn haha, No matter how light I am I still look hispanic with colored eyes and chinease.

    haha, it's not that I'm always out side or anything I just get burned easily I'm sensitive.. lmao, well fine then I take back everything I said good to you. Fucker lol.

    Na, I was just kidding. If it makes u feel better, you sexy + 10

    LOL, but yea.

    I was born with a white ass, light skinded baby, now Im getting darker by year .. grr
    haha, I meant hot like sweating hot.... lol jk.
    Thanks , appreciate it.

    Man I'm like another shade of brown.. ahhh that's gross.
    Psh, things are okay with my just a little sun burned, from jogging .
    lol, I hate tans.. what's up with u?
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