I dare Lynne Stevens go to the barrio and point her gun at a local barrio gang I bet that bitch will get pistol whipped and shot up if she faced off against someone who was armed like her.
That cowardly NeoCon bitch only goes after our Indigenous Brown Raza at Day Labor locations trying to...
^ A long time ago although you self-loathing gay NeoCons have yet have to see it since infatuation with a man in a uniform blinds you to police corruption
Even Arizona Republicans Agree: Joe Arpaio is America?s Most Incompetent Sheriff
By Duane Roberts ? November 9, 2009Posted in: Fresh Juice
?Hello? This...
I respect cops who do their jobs professionally but cops who are unprofessional get zero respect from me
Jun. 9, 2010 12:46 PM
Associated Press
GOWANDA, N.Y. - A New York police...
^ Once again that is beside the point. Although you hate to admit it the fact remains you got owned by me when I fact checked your false claim of thousands being against SB 1070. I proved to you that the number of people who are opposed to SB 1070 is over a million and half and growing
NeoCons get their grandma underwear all moist when an armed and dangerous agent of the police state acts cowardly by doing their job unprofessionally, violates the civil liberties of any American who stands up for civil rights, uses excessive force and commits acts of police brutality especially...
^ I'm glad to see indigenous migrants from Latinized America migrating to the U.S. to make a better lives for themselves.
When it comes to lies, greed, rape, murder, theft, strong armed robbery, and genocide, the U.S. sure is the best when it comes to these terrible things and there's no other...
That's beside the point here. In previous posts, you stated only a thousand were opposed to SB 1070 while millions supported it. All I did was contradict your false statement by proving to you that there are over a million and a half people who oppose SB 1070 instead of a few thousand people, duh
Obviously it was men in uniform who used pepper spray which caused harm to children who were there with their parents who were exercising their 1st Amendment Rights and marching peacefully and non-violently
Morally hypocritical racist NeoCons get turned on by a man in a uniform that's why they use excuses to justify police brutality by agents of the police state who do their jobs unprofessionally
^ Pedophile NeoCons sure get their pink panties all wet when they see a man in a uniform using excessive force even if children are in harm's way of a rioting cop
It's great to see a Chicano who is proud, well educated, Brown and down that stands up for our Indigenous Brown Raza by courageously stepping up to a bitch ass cowardly racist NeoCon :cool:
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When NeoCons are in control of the government they sure won't hesitate to turn cops into agents of the police state and use them to act aggressively and violently against families and children who are protesting peacefully and non-violently :mad:
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