^ I would always agree with you but then we'd both be wrong. :)
This Mayan Prophecy Conspiracy Theory is probably gonna turn out to be just another Y2K
Have you prepared your emergency plan when shit hits the fan on that day? LOL
I doubt these things would be a good idea to go into if there were an apocalyptic flood as shown in the movie 2012 but for other apocalyptic disasters these things would be good to have
^ Exactly, rich white men have been practicing affirmative action for many centuries now by getting their children back door passes into the top universities and assuming the roles of leaders although they are unqualified to lead
^ It's pathetic and weak minded for Troof to create multiple accounts in order to falsely represent celebrities and others just to troll and agree with himself when he's not bragging about the huge size of his penis to underage females on this site [crazy[
I always appreciate the subject of science especially when it helps me get laid without bein' a sucka! :)
Oh look it's Troof creating another new account. He complains non-stop about undocumented migrants breaking the rules yet this hypocrite breaks the forum rules by trolling here when he's not supposed becoz he's been banned [crazy]
^ your mistaken as many of those soldiers who were brainwashed and tricked into believing they were giving their lives for my freedom. Fact of the matter is they were pawns for the powers that be who were used to die for the freedom of the ruling class and wealthy elites that you nor I are a...
WWII was nothing but a war between imperialist countries just like the wars mafias, prison gangs or street gangs have against each other for control, greed, domination, money, and power
She's right and you miss the point she's making about how the mountains surrounding L.A. trap pollution inside the city of Los Angeles which is huge and you can't equate living in the desert which has a much lower population than L.A. does.
I haven't heard of Jean Grae before. You should post up some of her dopest songs so I can hear her flows. Have you heard of Lady Sovereign? As a female MC she got mad flows on da mic :cool:
Here's more proof why marriage is fo' suckas! Being married and having kids at the age of 23 is too young to be settling down.
Someone I know just told me today that he use to be married to some ruka and two years after he was raising a kid with her, she told him it wasn't his kid. Although this is messed up big time, this is a blessing in disguise because he's lucky that she told him the awful truth or else he would...
I look nothing like Troof's jefita who I have pictured in my avatar :p
Marriage in most cases benefits the wife more than the husband. Just watch Married With Children if you don't beleive me and you'll see how Al Bundy and all his married homies are all miserable and depressed due...