FYI there are white supremacists, militias and street gang members enlisted in the U.S. military who are trained and licensed to shoot to kill, do drive-bys, lynch and commit terrorist acts on foreign soil on the false notion of patriotism, protecting our freedom and spreading democracy around...
Gang bangers only get medals of honor when they commit violence, theft, intimidation, tresspassing, rape, murder and crimes on foreign soil on behalf of the corporate masters of this country
Exactly! Our corporate owned government is like the mafia who sole purpose for operating is to seize power and control through the use of bribery, blackmail, coercion, deception, intimidation, violence, murder, theft, etc. and most of the poor guys who enlist as hitmen for the government or mob...
Many of us have noticed how on your multiple accounts you champion the 1st Amendment in your signature yet in this thread you hypocritically want the President to violate the 1st Amendment constitutional right to assemble and protest of these protesters because you disagree with them, priceless...
it's ironic to see Billy O'reilly pandering to the troops as usual while supporting the censorship of free speech whether one agrees with it or not although simpletons claim the troops are defending and dying to protect our freedom and constitutional rights but apparently free speech isn't one...
Since LiesBtold multi personas have been banned, From the Right has no one to give him lap dances here...oh wait, TheLieIs aka HERO hasn't been banned yet
^ wow, I didn't know all those thing were even possible but it cool to see this site keeping up to par with the continual evolution of today's techonology :cool:
One can't help but notice that these Confederate extremists cherry pick so-called facts although numerous studies by credible academic economic scholars have debunked all of their racist anti-immigration hysteria
LoL at these TeaBagger idiots relying on unreliable sources and using wikipedia which is known to be edited by the CIA, FBI or any one with a lack of academic education to back up their lying bullcrap