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  1. T

    WE don't need Mexicans

    If we build it (and arm it) they won't come.
  2. T

    hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

    That splatter on the toilet seat looks like the moderator of BP.
  3. T

    hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

    Hero and myself are two different people.
  4. T

    hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

    They are illegal aliens from Mexico. Latino, Hispanic, chicano etc.... I'm not really sure about those terms.
  5. T

    hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

    Those are guys that are waiting to be deported or have been deported after breaking the law and winding up in Sheriff Arpaio's custody. America for Americans!
  6. T

    The Beto Cowboy School Fund

    duct tape baby aka hillbilly chrome
  7. T

    WE don't need Mexicans

    That would definately make a mess.
  8. T

    Let's meet some of Ariz, I mean Mexico's finest!

    Looks like they are feeding him well.
  9. T

    hey truth, right wing, and da rest of dem vatoz talkin....

    Nena you are an illegal alien? I'm going to have to report you.
  10. T

    WE don't need Mexicans

    That's a helluva wall! Lets make it a bit taller and arm it with machine guns.
  11. T

    WE don't need Mexicans

    We should hire a bunch of Chinamen to build our border fence!
  12. T

    Obama "boycotts" Arizona

  13. T

    Poll shows Nevada's Reid in stronger position

    I bet you Reid loses the election. 2 weeks of silence from the loser of this bet- what do you say? Do you believe all the stuff you've copied and pasted in this thread?

Mexican Forums

