You can buy weed slightly cheaper on the street then you can at the club, once you "tax the shit out of it" as you say... then the scale tips.
Why you get so excited about pulling more money out of your pocket to give to the government is beyond me.
Died for nothing, that would be your opinion. For those who are interested there is a book that I enjoyed called Stolen Valor. Might change your opinion.
Instead of trying to be a wise ass who is disrespecting a veteran of the vietnam war, why don't you show some respect and ask him (as a person who experienced the war first hand) about his experiences so you (and all of us) can learn something.
You lose over 250,000 soldiers on your home turf, only killed 58,000 of your enemy and you kicked ass?
Defending a position usually if not all the time easier than trying to take it all things being equal.
The US would of surrendered? What like we did to the British, Japanese, and Germans...
Look you dumb piece of ________ . YOU are the one who said Ho kicked ass in the Vietnam war. YOu are the one who said that.
And YOU are the one without the balls to post the body count numbers.
Get the fvck off my thread.