This is an important reminder that the forums are Mexican-centric, but that doesn't mean they aren't open to others; everyone is welcome here. We also understand that Mexicans come in different shades and colors and that "Mexican" is a culture, not an ethnicity.
YouTube currently remains one of the most important internet platforms worldwide, and it is not only classified as an entertainment network, but more and more institutions use it as a means of communication, as in the case of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).
The unit led by...
I know this is not politically correct, but Mexican Americans have more in common with Republicans than Democrats today. Jobs and traditional family values are much more critical than "woke" movements currently being pushed by Democrats.
Make no mistake, immigration is still very much important...
Mexico still suffers from a Spanish colonial culture based on elitism that looks down on darker-looking Mexicans. The old colonial era Caste System in Mexico is nothing new, many countries around the world that were colonized still suffer from this type of backward-System.
The problem with...
Unfortunately, it's not looking like the news channels are picking this up the same way the LA City Council story was run across the country. Generalizing an entire culture or people should never be tolerated.
This is one of my favorite speeches from AMLO, unfortunately the Spanish Government didn't know how to react when he asked for an apology for all the rapes and murders committed by Spain during the barbaric conquest.
Sempra had already said in November it was developing an LNG export plant in Topolobampo in the northwestern state of Sinaloa, but Lopez Obrador on Friday said it was urgent to get moving with the plants worth $3 billion to $4 billion each.
"If Sempra and other companies don't respond in a...
How American politicians used America's culture of individualism to corrupt Mexican Presidents.
Robert Lansing, former Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson, wrote in 1924 that "Mexico is an extraordinarily easy country to dominate, as it necessary to control only one man: the President. We...
Duncan Tucker is an example of Amnesty International pushing American propaganda and State Department talking points.
Countries not toeing the western narrative get negative attention from the media hit squad.
check out his profile on Twitter, and you'll see a similar stance from the State...
As America decries foreign intervention at home, its been busy funding organizations that are doing the same thing abroud, The U.S is busy funding NGO's in order to sow chaos in countries it wants to control or change.