Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción is an American Funded NGO Dedicated to attacking AMLO & the 4T at the behest of The U.S State Department.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ) has often reiterated in during the daily press conferences at the National Palace that his government will...
Mexican marginalization is real in America.
[ mahr-juh-nl-ahy-zey-shuhn ]SHOW IPA
the act of placing a person or thing in a position of lesser importance, influence, or power; the state of being placed in such a position:
If you use the term LatinX because it's the latest trend and you want to feel included, you aren't doing yourself or your own culture any good. In fact, it will only serve to marginalize the Mexican community even more.
Why the term LatinX only serves to marginalize Mexicans?
If we are all...
I Think what you fail to understand with your brain is regardless of race, higher crime occurs in low income communities. so before you try to belittle someone or talk.. you should do some research.
you shouldn't let your personal prejudices interfere with reality. / what kind of life is that...
'Gun control' tide is turning in Chicago black community ? Many Chicagoans have been upset for some time about violence here, but Wortham's murder has touched a raw nerve in the black community. Now some want to do...
. im not taking any applications / im only asking users that i believe can be respectful to other users.
Mod tasks are easy .
close threads that turn in-to flame wars.
delete threads that are considered offensive.
Mods Must respect others opinions regardless of disagreement.
Only i can...
1.legalize immigrants that are already here. / pathway to citizenship.
2. require work visas for any new immigrants. they should register at the border / get a driver license after passing a D.M.V license exam / and pay for car insurance , health insurance.. just like anyone else...
Russian President: Obama a 'thinker... unlike other people' ? Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that President Obama is a "thinker" unlike "other people." The Russian president was...