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Search results

  1. Hazer

    favorite latin movie

    y tu mama tambien http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y_tu_mam%C3%A1_tambi%C3%A9n - and Pan's Labyrinth
  2. Hazer

    Why Yall Tryen To B White?

    moved to another section........
  3. Hazer

    Why Isn't There Any "sports/boxing" Board Here?

    Ill put up a sport section if enough people ask for one.
  4. Hazer

    college shooting

    he suffered from Clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder, or sometimes unipolar when compared with bipolar disorder or sometimes called manic depression) is a state of intense sadness, melancholia or despair that has advanced to the point of being disruptive to an individual's...
  5. Hazer

    Flag Burning

    good stuff good stuff, mis respetos...
  6. Hazer

    Must have albums

    what album is it under?
  7. Hazer

    User Rank?

    I'll keep that one in mind for real :D
  8. Hazer

    User Rank?

    lol yeah np .. i should have explained this sooner sorry:o id like to make the user rank something a user always wants to improve, SadBoys Rank List looks good right now.
  9. Hazer

    User Rank?

    that sounds good....
  10. Hazer

    User Rank?

    I wanted to get everyone's advice on what the user ranks should look like at the moment I'm using this.. User Title - # Minimum Posts Newbie 0-20 Peasant 50 Look at me I got 100+ posts 101 Shark bait 120 Junior Member 500 Member 1000 I like this place! 1100 Addicted 1500 ? 2000 Senior Member...
  11. Hazer

    I Just Want You - lyrics - Ozzy Osbourne

    There are no unlockable doors There are no unwinable wars There are no unrightable wrongs Or unsignable songs There are no unbeatable odds There are no believable gods There are no unnameable names Shall I say it again, yeah There are no impossible dreams There are no invisible seams Each...
  12. Hazer

    BEN HARPER - "Oppression"

    "Oppression" Oppression you pray on us when we sleep oppression you chase after the tired the poor the weak oppression you know you mean only harm oppression you reach out with your long arm but oppression I won't let you near me oppression you shall learn to fear me oppression you seek...
  13. Hazer

    Your Beliefs

    i see no problem with someone going to mexico and buying a home there , anyone can do it.. if your not a citizen of mexican you just cant buy beachfront property..
  14. Hazer

    Your Beliefs

    you guys cant stand someone else having love for their race or their heritage cant you?
  15. Hazer

    Your Beliefs

    god you guys are boring!! this is our home White Craka Bitch if you dont like it you should be the 1st one to move back to europe and make more babies for your white racist folks.

Mexican Forums

