Of course I gained alot of experience from this situation.
If I could go back in time and change it I would. But I can't
and I honestly don't regret it, as much as i'm in deep shit right now.
She wanted to provoke me and kept yelling at me what
the hell was i gonna do. So I showed her and sent...
so i ain't trippin then. Anyone else would have done the same shit
if you were in my position. Broad spit in my face and wanted
to run back inside her pad[Loco]
oh God they did. Eww i coulda gotten rabies. :mad::mad:[no]
^^that's pretty much what she was doing. but
eww spitting on someone!? that's some low foul shit.
what if that bitch had some dirty disease and that
shit got in my eye and mouth ew ewwwww
yup good thing i got evidence.
and alot of lovely people helping me to raise
money for everyone's bail.
Those hoes don't have shit !
so much for them talkin shit about
cop callers and idk what, when one
of the sisters was runni around like
a headless chicken tellin everyone to call the cops
thanks...i'll see what happens in the mean time til the 6th!
fuck i'm gonna be 20 already...chales im fuckin up lol
i needa go back to school and start saving up from 0 again
true true....good thing is i got a bunch of those papers in the mail!
thanks for thee advice.....
i am a firm believer in karma and like u said in time i'm just
gonna see what happens
yeah, those girls were ex friends too 0.o
their family's crazy, the dad's a child molestor,
the mom would get beat, the girl i was koo with
would let herself get molested....they had
domestic violence issues and shit......the two
sisters have a record from when they were in
high school of...
yeah that's exactly what we're trying to do. I heard that maybe
the case could be dropped since i could have had a concussion
and they didn't medically check me when i was taken to jail.
fucked up they told my momma i didnt want to see her when i was in there :(
of course i got evidence. we're trying to get a lawyer
to accuse those chicks of false accusution saying
we had two cars full of ppl with bats and guns..wtf is that shit?
i don't fight dirty like them i kill em with kindness and thats
why the bitch spit on me so i use my fists lol lyin ass...
yeah, the situation just escalated and idk what to do. because
my ex bf and my girls jumped in to separate everyone and shit
my ex was carrying a bat but we're saying its for self
defense which is true u know. hopefully it all works out.
my homegirls moms friend is a D.A. and another homie is a...
yeah, cuz one of the sisters boyfrieds had a bat and brass knuckles...
one of the sisters jumped in while the other bit my finger and my thigh lol!
and the mom jumped in
orah that's a hell of a story, at least u didnt hit her though haha
shit happens. that bitch bit me like a dirty dog too
i have pics i'll post some up haha
then her mom and her sister jumped in