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  1. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    fuck outta here with your defeatist attitude.
  2. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

  3. J

    who da baddest bitch...

    good lookin
  4. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    World War II ?:confused:
  5. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    it's such a shame.
  6. J

    who da baddest bitch...

    ^that's nice.
  7. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    ignorance changes once given knowledge to,but not these motherfuckers...nope.
  8. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    i'm sure they got message...:D "honor the fallen slodiers" my ass.
  9. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    I think we're done here.
  10. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    ain't no puzzle.
  11. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    STATISTICS - ROOSEVELT WAS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING: American Deaths: 2403; Wounded 1,178. Eighteen ships were sunk or seriously damaged including 5 battleships (USS Arizona photo). 188 planes were destroyed and 162 were damaged. Japanese Out of an attack force of...
  12. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    yeah,I read that excerpt the other day while reading Open Veins of Latin America. now that's some real spilt.
  13. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

  14. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

  15. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    you're pathetic.
  16. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

  17. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    that you've been duped. World War II = victory for capitalism
  18. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    "...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..." ARMY BOARD, 1944 YOU said that U.S freedom was threaten... answer it.
  19. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

    Why don't try answering the question? When in the hell was freedom ever threaten?
  20. J

    Honor 6-6-1944

Mexican Forums

