Stolen IDs and a pregnant lady seeking aid story..Fuck outta here with that shit!
I don't give a shit what he posted.This is what you wanted a "constructive debate"didn't you? Stop looking around for ppl to bail you out all the god damn time.Grab your nut sack and handle your fucken buisness...
but they would had to have lived here for a certain amount of time in order to gain citizenship,working all the while to do so.
The truth of the matter is that it's inevitable and they're doing it peacefully without firing a single shot.
which is?
which is?
Look,would you agree that without work they would most likely leave?I mean,who hires these people so that they may afford housing and the means to manipulate the system?
We know for a fact that immigration policies,deportation,military along the border,and the great wall fail to curb the...
uh you do understand that people get paid peanuts to shit in a days work,right?much like the sweat shops in china...while the corporations grow richer and richer.
the only ones you have to blame for this is your own government and economic system...which has proven itself unable to solve the...
if you don't understand what a person is talking about, then you shouldn't respond.It just makes you look more of an ass than you already do.
btw he was talking about modern day slavery (capitalism) not the slaves your forefathers used to own.