^^ agree i want to know
snuggles: got it when i joined the gang life, means like a polar bear loves to cuddle can be tamed for a minute, is aggressive mean and attacks when least expected
Yes i was in a gang, um gees i thought you trusted me i guess i was mistaken so much for friends .sigh. People always change when they judge me when i say i was in a gang i grew up left that behind and now live for my future thats minnimac that really hurt my feelings
Im known as Snuggles cause i was nicknamed it when i joined in the gang, its meant as a polar bear that cuddles when its cold, but can be real wild when crossed, or angered. And one cause i was the only female in it
sup raza,
okay i got a man who is known by joker here in ma hood rite so me and him beenin going out and i live with him since ma moms kick me out.......i been having alot of down falls this last couple of weeks and i been so stressed over shyt.....and now that i have a baby on the way im scared...