We need thugs more then police? Lmao, yes we need them so we can see our kids growing up to be killers and be forced into gangs because of an intimidation. The police is the only thing that is actually doing something about these lowlifes. If it wasn't for them, this place would be like some of...
You should let her deal her problems on her own, they won't learn unless they see for themselves how bad they're being treated. If the female is in love, then it's even worse.
Don't get involved, trust me I know from experience. They have to figure thier little problem by themselves.
What trips me out about this fool is he's trying to make it seem like if a "gangsters life" is a good lifestyle to be in, that they're not bad people. How the fuck is this idiot going to come on here and say this crap. First of ..how exactly are you helping the community? By spray painting all...
I would rather not know when I'm dying, but if it came to that point. I would be spending my last hours with my family, and my lady...thats if I had one.
I would do things that I always wanted to to also, thing that I never got to do..I would do them.
They're both good chicano forums, I personally like both of them, but I rather stay here with the BP familia.
Soychicano is just way too strict nowadays, and way too many members there. It's easy to get intimidated.