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    Mexicans Unite to Oppose Arizona's Anti-Illegals Law

    wecool http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1985476,00.html By Ioan Grillo / Mexico City Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2010...
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    Non-Citizen U.S. War Vets Facing Deportation Despite Military Promises of Citizenship

    [wavey] mediagrrl9 ? April 05, 2010 ? We take a look at the threat of deportation that non-citizen veterans of American wars continue to face despite US military promises of citizenship. We talk to Rohan Coombs, a Jamaican-born U.S. vet who was in the US marine corps for six years and...
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    America Must Boycott Arizona

    i agree http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mario-solismarich/america-must-boycott-ariz_b_539160.html Mario Solis-Marich Progressive talk radio show host...
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    Latino Leaders Push For Boycott Of Arizona

    ksbwtv ? May 05, 2010 ? Several Hispanic community leaders met in Salinas on Wednesday to discuss the new Arizona immigration law. Embedding is disabled so click on the link to see the footage on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSiwGkv1PkI&feature=related
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    Even Arizona Republicans Agree: Joe Arpaio is America?s Most Incompetent Sheriff

    http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2009/11/even-arizona-republicans-agree-joe-arpaio-is-americas-most-incompetent-sheriff/ Even Arizona Republicans Agree: Joe Arpaio is America?s Most Incompetent Sheriff By Duane Roberts ? November 9, 2009Posted in: Fresh Juice ?Hello? This...
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    Cop who took pizza as payoff admits faking shooting

    I respect cops who do their jobs professionally but cops who are unprofessional get zero respect from me http://www.azcentral.com/offbeat/articles/2010/06/09/20100609new-york-cop-pizza-payoff.html Jun. 9, 2010 12:46 PM Associated Press GOWANDA, N.Y. - A New York police...
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    Cowardly NeoCon Harassing Our Brown Raza Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine

    It's great to see a Chicano who is proud, well educated, Brown and down that stands up for our Indigenous Brown Raza by courageously stepping up to a bitch ass cowardly racist NeoCon :cool: <object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie"...
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    Phoenix Police pepper spray marchers, children suffer at Anti-Joe Arpaio protest

    When NeoCons are in control of the government they sure won't hesitate to turn cops into agents of the police state and use them to act aggressively and violently against families and children who are protesting peacefully and non-violently :mad: <object width="660" height="405"><param...
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    Lynne Stevens known for pointing her pistol at Day Laborers in Arizona

    [crazy] <object width="660" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/5huuoC5GKuE&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
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    Truck driver forced to show birth certificate claims racial-profiling

    :eek: Video: http://www.azfamily.com/video/featured-videos/Man-says-he-was-racially-targeted-forced-to-provide-birth-certificate-91769419.html by Alicia E. Barr?n Posted on April 21, 2010 at 5:04 PM Updated Thursday, Apr 22 at 3:21 PM...
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    Line in the Sand: A Collection of Protest Songs From Arizona Artists Opposed To SB 10

    :cool: http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/uponsun/2010/04/line_in_the_sand_a_collection.php By Martin Cizmar, Thursday, Apr. 29 2010 @ 6:08PM ​ Arizona musicians, it's time to stand up. As the fallout from our state's crazy new immigration law...
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    Over 1 MiLLiON Strong AGAINST the Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 on FaceBook

    And here NeoCons are falsely claiming that it's only thousands who are against the Arizona's SB 1070 yet this facebook page shows it's over 1.5 million people who oppose it: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=113236852041063&v=wall&_fb_noscript=1
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    African Americans Raise Voices Against Arizona Law

    It's great to know that there are many African-American religious leaders educating and informing their congregants about the racist NeoCons in Arizona and speaking out against SB 1070 since i is a law that institutionalizes racism intended to scapegoat, alienate, persecute and violate the civil...
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    Sign Petition to Stop SB 1070!!

    After you read this petition, make sure you fill it out when you got the chance by going to the link below to submit it :cool: And let your homies and familia know about it so they can also fill it out tambien :) http://www.thesoundstrike.net/content/sign-petition-stop-sb-1070 Submitted by...
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    Sign petition to stop sb 1070!!

    Sign Petition to Stop SB 1070!! After you read this petition, make sure you fill it out when you got the chance by going to the link below to submit it :) http://www.thesoundstrike.net/content/sign-petition-stop-sb-1070 Submitted by Sound_Strike on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 19:01 Our...
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    Los Angeles Cuts Ties With ?Nazi? Arizona, While Americans Support ?Nazi? Arizona

    Even though it's 2010, we Brown still folks have to keep our guard up, look out for each other and watch each others backs to protect and defend ourselves from these NeoCon white supremacists who are making laws that seek to criminalize and silence us in order to shatter and weaken our political...
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    Rejoice, White America: KKK Makes a Comeback!

    Since this is the reality today in this country, it's imperative that Brown people come together to keep each other well informed and take some self-defense classes in order to protect ourselves from White Supremacists who are spreading lies and misinformation to create Brown Hysteria based on...
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    Here's a FREE Mayan 12/21/2012 Countdown Timer

    I can't wait until December 21, 2012 :) http://www.2012supplies.com/countdown.html
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    Fallout shelters for a new generation

    I doubt these things would be a good idea to go into if there were an apocalyptic flood as shown in the movie 2012 but for other apocalyptic disasters these things would be good to have http://articles.latimes.com/2010/may/17/business/la-fi-bunkers-20100517

Mexican Forums

