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  1. C

    Too Hot to work in a Bank! WTF!!??

    Citigroup fired her, becuase she would distract her coworkers. rofl! http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978274049
  2. C

    the truth about Sordo!!! very very sad!!! please don't laugh!!!

    the sad truth about him is that he is an alcoholic... his problems with drinking went already so far... his family tried everything to keep him away from beers and another selfmade drinks invented by him like "Vodkila" some mix between Vodka and tequila.... like I mentioned his family tried even...
  3. C

    Modulos I, II, III

    Empezando con los cursos: Tres m?dulos... 1 - Modulo b?sico Tres brujas miran tres relojes Swatch. Qu? bruja mira qu? reloj? En ingl?s: Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch Watch? 2 - Modulo avanzado Tres brujas "travestis" miran los botones de tres...
  4. C

    Venganza es dulce?? inche mujeres>>>

    VENGANZA NUMERO 1 Hoy mi hija cumple 21 a?os... y estoy muy contento porque es el ?ltimo pago de pensi?n alimenticia que le doy, as? que llam? a mi hijita para que viniera a mi casa y cuando lleg? le dije: - "Hijita, quiero que lleves este cheque a casa de tu mam? y que le digas que: ???Este...
  5. C


    One day, a guy dies and finds himself in Hell. As he is wallowing in despair, he has his first meeting with a demon: Demon: Why so glum, chum? Guy: What do you think? I'm in Hell. Demon: Hell's not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here. You a drinkin' man? Guy: Sure, I love to...
  6. C

    Favourite Uncle!!!

    A woman, who was pregnant with twins, got into a car accident and went into a coma... She was rushed to the hospital where doctors delivered her twins to save them. But as she was in a coma and her husband was overseas on business, her brother was the only one present to name her children...
  7. C

    Funny As Hell!!! Check It...

    A guy died and came to the hell... there the devil told him OK this is your lucky day.. I will let you to see three rooms with in every one some eternal punishment for your sins, ok? The guy answered happy yes ok... Ok first room and there are three big deamons beating on a guy... the guy...
  8. C

    Declaracion de Amor!!!! writen by me.......

    Es tan bonito cuando estas junto a mi, una mirada tuya y se que a quien quiero es a ti. Me regalas mas de lo que algun dia yo te puedo dar, no me sueltes que sin ti no puedo respirar y no puedo mirar, soy tan ciego sin ti la vida no tiene sentido si tu no estas junto a mi. Eres tan hermosa que...
  9. C

    Jokes From Spain!!! Not Too Bad!!

    AGENDA DE TEL?FONO ?Por qu? los gallegos usan solamente la letra "T" en sus agendas de tel?fono? Tel?fono de Antonio, Tel?fono de Joaqu?n, Tel?fono de Manuel, Tel?fono de Pereira... ZAPATOS NUEVOS Pepe fue el martes a la zapater?a. Despu?s de probarse unos cuantos pares, eligi? unos italianos...
  10. C

    Can't We Call Latinos Ourselves????

    There Is Some Guy In Here Trying To Make Us Beleive That We Don't Have The Right To Call Us Latinos Ourselves........ Also Talking Just Shit About Native Indios Where Like Me A Lot Of Ppl In This Forum Are Descendent From, Or Mixed With...... Well I Just Want Every One In Here No Matter If You...
  11. C

    Boring?? Come Check This Out!!

  12. C

    Is George Busch truly a monkey????

    I don't see any difference!!!
  13. C

    Chistes Cortos!!!!

    En una oficina ? D?game su nombre Pepepepedro Pepeperez Perd?n ?? Ud. es ? tartamudo ? No, tartamudo era mi padre, y el del registro civil un hijoeputa A ver, cu?nteme su versi?n de los hechos, dice el juez. Ver?, estaba yo en la cocina con el cuchillo de cortar jam?n. En esto que...
  14. C

    Los Borrachines!!!funny shit!!(spanish)

    Estaba un tipo en una cantina tomando como un loco...el cantinero le pregunta: "Oiga y usted por que esta tomando tanto" y el hombre le responde: "pos pa olvidar!!" y el cantinero con curiosidad: "y que es lo que quiere olvidar"...y el hombre ya casi cayendose: "pos ya me olvide". El cantinero...
  15. C

    Its Kind Of Dark In Here!! Funny Shit!!

    A nine year old boy came home from the school earlier than always when he went to his room he saw his mother naked with an unknown man in the bedroom of his parents, so he took his duck and went into this room really quietly and slowly so nobody hears him coming in then he goes into the closet...
  16. C

    SUPERMAN....el muy chingon.....

    Estaba volando Superman por los cielos cuando de derrepente ve de lejos a la mujer Maravilla y a Batman bronceandose hechados de barriga para q el sol les de en la espalda, en el techo de un rascacielos muy alto, en ese momento usa Superman su supervista para mirar de lejos el maravilloso cuerpo...
  17. C

    Who is the real George W. Bush??

    quien de los dos es el verdadero bush
  18. C

    Bush can't read??

    La prueba de q bush no sabe leer,
  19. C

    What the Fuck???

    Can somebody explain what is going on with that boy
  20. C

    So Hot!!

    Its so fucking hot out there...

Mexican Forums

