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  1. S

    life ha ha ha

    its funny when you walk into an institute and you see all those crazy people screaming bloody murder when I stand here in fear for walking into my own house. I swear my walls cave in every day I stand with my daughter sometimes clutching and holding on as if it were our last hour of death...
  2. S

    help me please

    sup raza, okay i got a man who is known by joker here in ma hood rite so me and him beenin going out and i live with him since ma moms kick me out.......i been having alot of down falls this last couple of weeks and i been so stressed over shyt.....and now that i have a baby on the way im scared...
  3. S

    My Desire

    My desire is to be hard Emotions that can only Caused by the fact that You and only you Had finally come to my life After waiting so long The world would not matter But what would matter is the fact That your presence brings A wild beast that comes from The heart. The Beast is not bad but...
  4. S

    My Passion

    A love that over whelms my soul A passion so strong it leaves Me tembling in its wake Words don't express the feelings its tears are rich, like wine and a rose With its feverish power and scent My heart quakes with the storm of Emotions so much a desire so so Strong to share the passion in...

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