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  1. M

    Your USER Name

    ^^^^ thats whats up mami Love
  2. M

    Uncommon unique names????

    ok dawg don't get a booty hurt now
  3. M

    Proud Parents

    i have son that two months from my ex and another on the way from my girl
  4. M

    Uncommon unique names????

    you must not have kids [crazy]
  5. M

    Uncommon unique names????

    my bad i wrote that before you told me jaja
  6. M

    Uncommon unique names????

    why you wanna know uncommon names mija is it cuz what i think it is ????? [no]
  7. M

    Biggest Douche Bag of BP

    you don't gotta lie to kick it ma :p jaja jk
  8. M

    Your USER Name

    were just fuckin around mija dont get all crazy now like cabrona jajajajajaja
  9. M

    Your USER Name

    [crazy] i agree STILL LOVE IT MAMI [Angel]
  10. M

    Your USER Name

    wow dawg are u blind she just answered it and what else is she suppose to say its cus she got green eyes sick ass jaja [crazy]
  11. M


    mija when your in their shoes you'll know
  12. M

    Your USER Name

    retarted [Loco] i agree :D :cool: ;)
  13. M

    Your USER Name

    jaja mija her screen name answers her own question [crazy]
  14. M

    Your USER Name

    mijo is my nickname cuz i'm one of the youngest out of my hermano's and homies i gotta new born son aka my mijo and 323 is where i stay at jeah :cool:
  15. M

    * Weirdest dream you ever had ? *

  16. M

    Just taking up space

  17. M

    Just taking up space

    so whats good?
  18. M

    Just taking up space

    idea yuh!
  19. M

    Just taking up space

    like your
  20. M

    Just taking up space


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