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    The Beto Cowboy School Fund

    The bottles get'n lower again my friend so do you a big ole shot and lets start to sin!
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    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    And let me add you don't use yer dadgum gun fer scarring people it ain't a freaking toy. The gun comes out when its serious business time. That young feller was done warned and he continued with his attack and now cuz of his stooooooooooopidity he is dead. His momma raised a genuwine fool.
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    U.S. agent kills Mexican teen near border, Mexican official says

    Why is you people keep calling him a child like he is 6 er 7 years old?The guy is 15. Oh, 'cuse me was 15. Then I gotta hear this dumb ass talkin bout using a flash light. What in tarnation is a dadgum flashlight going to do when guys are standin on the other side the border pelting you with...
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    As the Lation population increases

    ^ I dunno you look pretty pale to me kind uv a faded yellow
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    As the Lation population increases

    We jus need to stop the invasion and keep the good peoples
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    As the Lation population increases

    I wouldn't put it all on them but it is true yeah its true
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    Tim Wise-The Pathology of White Privilege

    Yeah, we need to take them big ole boobies outta people's moufs who don't contribute.
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    Honor 6-6-1944

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    Honor 6-6-1944

    anybody ever been to Pearl Harbor?
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    Honor 6-6-1944

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    Honor 6-6-1944

    lots of great pictures here dang
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    Honor 6-6-1944

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    Honor 6-6-1944

    Says the guy wearing chuck taylors and dickies ha ha ha
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    Honor 6-6-1944

    You thank them Krauts was use'n canons? Famous picture from Iwo Jima
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    Honor 6-6-1944

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    Honor 6-6-1944

    The code name was “Fu-Go”. From November, 1944 to April, 1945, over 342 incidents were recorded in the US and Canada. There were 45 balloon incidents reported in Oregon. Balloon bomb incidents were registered as far away as Michigan and Iowa, including seventeen states.
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    Honor 6-6-1944

    Japanese Bombed Oregon American news media kept these attacks a secret during the war in cooperation with the US government to prevent fear, panic, and confusion which would...
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    Honor 6-6-1944

    The United States wasn't at war wit nobody? Is this still bout WW II? You done gone plum loco!
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    Honor 6-6-1944

    Indeed, the greatest generation. God Bless.
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    Honor 6-6-1944

    deep deep down

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