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  1. S

    I have returned / i bring you jehovah witness

    hmmm that is interesting
  2. S

    Going to add new mods

    ooooh my bad i was still a tad bit high lol
  3. S

    Going to add new mods

    you guys should be really checking out the dates before responding to the message
  4. S

    life ha ha ha

    its funny when you walk into an institute and you see all those crazy people screaming bloody murder when I stand here in fear for walking into my own house. I swear my walls cave in every day I stand with my daughter sometimes clutching and holding on as if it were our last hour of death...
  5. S

    would you take this kind of threat seriously??

    when people are angered they say stupid shit i dont worry about it till i notice they really were seriouse but alot of people say it out of stupidity
  6. S

    chat room

    lame thread...
  7. S

    The Truth Returns

  8. S

    Question for Hazer (and others)

    sometimes i wonder if people have brains................... is this suppose to be retorical????
  9. S

    Is it wrong...

    ^ ^ i dont think its nasty its an obsession like your drug........
  10. S

    Is it wrong...

    There is nothing wrong with masturbation the only thing wrong about it is a huge age difference. because of the age differance it is considered madatory rape or something like that
  11. S

    I have returned / i bring you jehovah witness

    why was goofy banned???
  12. S

    That was very messed up for someone to do to bp-brown pride !!!!

    the other site from illrapmusic. com were foolish enough to do a stupid shit like that but however we as well can be grown ups and start over and do what we can to originate this to a new begining and make new friends while trying to find our old friends...........however from those people that...
  13. S

    Photos/pictures some people post damn !!!

    From what i seen of those pictures that are considered inapproprite, the first admendment of the constitution comes to mind....people have the right to post the most horrible pictures, disgusting, nude ect. our opinion can be most agreed on for those who have a hard time accepting other girls...
  14. S

    Proud Parents

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wait elaborate on that
  15. S

    Proud Parents

    This thread is about being a parent, and how many kids you have stop trolling this thread
  16. S

    What would u do?

    yeah it should be about those degrees but depends also on the judge and the evidence
  17. S

    What would u do?

    First and second degree assult, you may only get first
  18. S

    What would u do?

    I would of fucked her up and shit bleh, however good luck on your court wait what exactly happen.....you might be facing assult charges (i should kno)
  19. S

    Proud Parents

    That is very true and i agree which is why im so glad to be home every day by my daughters side no matter what i know she loves me and i love her

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