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mexicans in colorado

  1. Freddy

    The largest minority Colorado is home to an estimated 891,760 residents of Mexican descent.

    Colorado is home to an estimated 891,760 residents of Mexican descent. - the largest Hispanic or Latino subgroup in the State, according to 2020 data by U.S Census Bureau https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/CO/RHI725221#qf-headnote-b
  2. Freddy

    Colorado U.S. House candidates in the 8th Congressional District battle for Mexican Votes

    The two women vying to represent Colorado’s newest congressional district, created just last year by a statewide redistricting commission, were quizzed on Latino issues Thursday night in a district where Hispanics account for nearly four in every 10 registered voters. State Sen. Barb Kirkmeyer...

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