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tren maya

  1. AMLO

    Politica de Mexico Tren Maya detona desarrollo en Yucatán

  2. Freddy

    Discovery of Ancient Maya City with More Than 300 Buildings Halts Ongoing Railroad Project in Mexico

    The federal government of Mexico has announced an important archaeological find - the discovery of an ancient city. Experts suggest that it is a Mayan city. According to Mexico News channels , more than 300 buildings have been excavated from the site, some of which are over 8 meters high. The...
  3. Freddy

    Noticias De Mexico Corrieron al ladrón Rogelio Jiménez Pons del Tren Maya

    "Lo lamentamos mucho, nos da pena, pero por encima de todo está el interés superior, el interés del pueblo y de la nación, y nosotros tenemos un compromiso con la transformación del país. O sea, podemos querer mucho a una persona, pero si esa persona no se aplica, no se entusiasma, no tiene las...

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