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1S !t W0rth !t ???

they do if ya gots trust in one another if ya always doubting each other then whats the point of even having that relationship in da first place..................
***UMMM...w3o..i TrUzT HiM...IDK iF H3 TrUzTs M3 tHoUgH....i LiV3 iN TX...H3 LiV3Z iN CaLiFaS oR SuMtiN...Nd i LuV HiM 2 d3aTh....idk....confusd.....***
La mera neta I dont think it works out cuz you never get to see him.Its not the same you dont know how he acts around his friends.
i g0t th3 sam3 sh!t as ESA ANGEL........h3 haz my pik, igot hiz, he has my number, igot his, we chat alL da tiM3....... :( but i d0nt tiNk i WiLl EvR lUv hiM.......
I Think Sumtimes It Does Work But Then At The Same Time U Dont Knoe Wat Hes Doin And If Hes Cheatin On U...tats Wat I Think..but If U Trust The Vato Then U Should
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