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a memory

Dark Mexican

Legendary Poster
i remember wakin up to no food in the kitchen,
so fukin hungry my skins literally itchin,
'go back to sleep shy, there will be food 2moro'
constant lies reflect my mums pain and sorrow,
have u ever had a meal and been forced to pace urself,
i mean it deep down nigga brace urself,
make it last cus the next meal aint in grasp,
i remember catching my brother chewing on himself,
this nigga was so hungry he was makin food from himself,
my dad walkin around flossin that gold on his arm,
i cant eat but that nigga will cherish the charm on his arm,
im guna jump him, take the gold and run,
im guna feed my family suttin he should of already done,
my attempt failed, and that fool beat me wid wid da curtain rails,
i will never foget the way they dug in like nails,
i got a tattoo to hide the memorys,
but it still reminds me of my biggiest enemy,

part 2 comin soon lol
"i Got A Tattoo To Hide The Memories, But It Still Reminds Me Of My Biggest Enemy?..........

I'll Never Forget That Part.........its Stuck In My Head...i Don't Know Why Though.......

Damn Shy, I'm Sorry....damn, I Hate Your Dad....
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