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A noche

tas prettyy truee
yhuu kann neva forgett yhur fiirst
lovee even iif iit was justt a onee niiterr
no matter watt yhurr fiirstt lovee will alawyzz
bee tha onee tat yhuu wiill neva goo liikkee theyy
say ppl kum andd gho bt yhur onee and onlii will alwayyzz b iin yhur heart!!!<3

WeEd!!!! iiS ThA BesT iiT TaKES aWaY Tha PaiiN :cool:iiT HeLPs yHuu GeTT tHRu All THee StRuGLeS WEED iiS THee SoLvERs ThU ALL tHee PRoBlEmS
iiloveeWEED!!!!i agree
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