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Advice 4rm The Guys

**MiSS 5o9**

Legendary Poster
O.k lets say youve been with your gurl for almost 2yrs
and not to long ago you started talking to your ex you n ur gurl argue alot n somtimes you guys dont talk for days,
your ex gurlfriend still has lots of love for you n you knw it (she tells you eveytime she has the chance)
you like talking to your ex cuz it seems you guys have alot in common but your also not so sure about your gurl

You go pick up your gurl every day but you take the long way to see your ex walk home. :rolleyes:

would you leave your gurl of 2yrs to get back with your ex?????
You knw they both love you but WHICH ONE WOULD YOU CHOOSE????:o

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Honestly I would stay with the girl of 2 years.

If you're not with your ex girlfriend, then it must of been because it didn't work out, so why break a perfectly good 2 year relationship just so you can go back to some relationship that didn't work anyway.
Chicano is right, there is a reason why that person is your ex- because it didn't work out (for whatever reason). If the current relationship is not working- then I would move on with my life. Trying to get back with an EX would be like trying to go forward in reverse.

It's tough to start new relationships when you are STUCK in old ones.
It's not the end of the world to be single for awhile.
thax u guys for da advice,
i was da ex in dis situation, but i guess u guys were right he should stay with his gurl, shy ruin 2yrs of relationship!!
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