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Cant go back to the past

Lady Sadgirl

Active member
this is a chapter of my life when i tought all i was going to be was a fuck up, cuz no one would give me a chance......

girl: when u look at me what do u see?

dad: i see some one who dont care about noone
but herself....ur a fuckup

girl: how am i a fuck up?
u act like if ur the most greatest parent....
u dont even give a fuck about me
why should i care?

dad: Be cause ur making me pay all ur fine... be cause u cant walk a stright line for once... u dont even go to school....

girl: i just got out a week ago.... i'm been going to school since then...what r u talking about...

dad: lets see how long it last...

girl: why do u got to judge me for?....i cant undo the past....
quite dweling on the past.....

Dad:u need to get ur shit stright.....ur casting me....

girl: what the fuck u want me to do ? sell me ass to pay ur fuckin money....be a fucken parent at least....

Dad: ur a fucken mistake... i should of left u with ur mom.....

......girl starts to cry.....dad looks at girl with disgrace.....

Girl: is that what u think of me? i'm a mistake....ok....

later that night the Girl runs alway.......and stays on the run for 4 months.....
If u like my story hit me up cuz theres more to it.....
this is a true story of my life....i'v done crazy shit and forgot
all about life and how improtant people u love can be when
ur in need of support......so, dont brun bridges!
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