Experienced Poster
El dia that we broke-up, era el dia que mi vida combio. Even though it was me who wanted to end, I wasn't thinking up right. Ahora que todo se a calmado, yo quiero ir con tigo y estar con tigo, y amarte a ti y a nadien mas. yo no se de que i fell truly in love with you. It was probably ur truth ness and faithfulness, something i never had when i thought we were BOTH in love. Ahora i've thinked about it twice and I was wondering if you want to be mine again y olvidar el pasado porque el pasado es el pasado, y lo que importa es el presente y el futuro. I know that there's a gurl in ur life, pero i can't help it. I love you with all mi corazon. I need ur kisses, ur hugs, ur voice, and ur hands touching my body. And even thouhg we are teenagers, i really love you with all my heart. And like you said before, "Once I give you my heart, I expect you to give me yours back." At this second I remember all the stuff we went through. All the stuff that kept us true. All the times I called you"papi", and you always called me "mami, never ever live me alone, porque ima love you till the end, asta que la muerte nos separe. Alot of tears coming down my face, for all the rememberence I have to face.Pero one thing i know for sure es que even though i have problemas like this, ima keep my head up and never ever put it down. Pero i just want you to think back really good to all the things i told you and you told me. The times we were together in thegood or bad times. the day i was with you when your parents died. The day you were thinking about of killing your self but i told you not to because you and only you were the only good thing that ever happened in my life. The day that i was walking down the street and saw you there lying in a big puddle of blood, I hugged you while you were crying and told me to never ever leave my side. I remember the time that i ranaway with you and never came back for a long ass time. I know that people were talking this and that, que yo fui la sancha pero we both know damn right that, that shit was not true. Pero like i said pasado es pasado so fuk it. Yo te amo y eso es lo que importa y cuenta.
Y a todas aqueyas personas que esten leyendo esta poema, casi la historia de mi vida, quiero desirle que, amar a una persona, puede ser muy bonito, pero a la mima vez puede ser muy doloroso y muy trizte a dejar a esa persona por otro o orta que NO valga la pena.
Ur gurl Esa Lil'Triztesita
Y a todas aqueyas personas que esten leyendo esta poema, casi la historia de mi vida, quiero desirle que, amar a una persona, puede ser muy bonito, pero a la mima vez puede ser muy doloroso y muy trizte a dejar a esa persona por otro o orta que NO valga la pena.
Ur gurl Esa Lil'Triztesita