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dear stranger

Dear stranger you don't know me
And I don't know you,
But forgive me
For what I'm about to do,
Many people think your the luckiest guy
And I think that its true,
Because the girl who I like
Onely have eyes for you,
I am not sure if you deserve her
Because you always make her sad,
Seen her smile up side down
Really hurts me bad,
Please don't make her frown no more
Thats all I'm asking you to do,
Since you own the key to her heart
Please dont make her blue,
How I wish I could be the lucky guy
But everybody its not lucky like you,
We are two different worlds
You and I are not alike,
Thats why she chooses to love you
And thinks that I'm not her type,
You can smile all the time
As I frown everyday,
Please make her happy
Thats all I have to say
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