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this burning sensation
lingers making the watery
substance form
i disowned you
this despondency that takes over
could never bring you back
ive turned immoral
and vain
i deserve what i seek
malignant to even the purest
of minds
quickly turn genuine thoughts
to sentiments of hate
i corrupt these sweet abstinent minds
and dispense a twisted wisdom
they crave
i feed them these malice thoughts
unknown to there mentality
i use them as implements
to a higher power
no longer an innocent thought
left in me
i let my mischievous influence
there demented actions
ive become numb
to sensitivity...or so i thought
the light in the victims mind
cathes my attention
making me hesitate
and i continue
dispensing this rage
making them as twisted as I
haha thanks...

so that may explain why i got 13 views and only 1 reply...

but yea thanks!...i appreciate it..:)
yes that probably does explain that.
i mean not many people know what despondency,malignant, malice,mischievous or cathes mean, if their not paying attention in english class.
aww dont say that...all poetry is good when its sincere and from the heart...

if you dont mean what you say...then they're just words...

thanks for the props..:)
lol i dont know...im the type to hold everything in...so it just comes out in my writing..

awww...its always good to expand your vocab.
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