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Don't 3v3r Come Back

Lady Sadgirl

Active member
~Dont ever come back~

Go back to that bitch that u left me for,
Go back to the life u had before,
Dont ever come back
because ur not a man

Go back to the shit you use to do back then
go back on all the times u said u had my back,
Go back on them i love u's
cuz now all i think about is you
Go back on all those times u lied

I'll go back on all the time i treated u good
u aint good enough
so no one should
ur a lying sack- of- shit
who lies like he did

did what u did
u cheated on me
and that a sin
so i hope ur not welcome back
so, dont ever come back

dedecated to the one 's
who know what it feel's like
to be in love..........
Always ~Lady Sadgirl~
man du3l3 mucho. but 3v3ntually som3tim3s r3gr3san a tus pi3s. si no th3n you'll g3t ov3r th3 vato and fin3d a n3w on3. but if it's r3all lov3 tonc3s t3 cagast3.
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