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Dream Girl

the most lonelyest man
in the world
stood there
crying every nite
wondering who
will be the one
to stand by his side
he looked far and wide
tears continue to fall
from his eyes
he got tired of waiting
years pass
still no girl wanted him
as he grew old
the more alone and cold
his soul felt
until he saw the most
beautiful girl
thinkin to himself
did she fall from heaven
she went up to him
asked him by his name
he looked trying to smile
but he has only frown
they spend time together
his smile slowin returnin
happeniess started comin
but why he ask why it took
so long
for him to find the girl
of his dreams
he ponder and wonder
never coming to a conculsion
many people stared
jealous he though they were
years pass still with his
dream girl
people became worried about
him thinkin he was sick
until one morning he woke up
his girl nowhere in sight
he looked and looked
far and wide
till he found her by the cliff
she said you were once lonely
crying everynite
losing faith in life
but i came forth
made it all better
you yet wonder why
people thought you was crazy
because i never existed
i am just a fragment of
your imagnation
the man cried and scream
this cant be right
she said i am sorry
but you was right
about one thing
i did come from the heavens
because the pain you felt
was the strongest among
the univerese
she said i am sorry goodbye
and in a instance she disapeared
the man couldnt take another heartbreak
so he stood on the edge of the cliff
falling to his death
years go by nobody even remembers
about the man who suffered so much
everyone forgottin
there lies the man with the greatest pain
thats good vato keep it coming
i tink every1s glad u joined wit da
stuff you bin putting on and all see ya
anyways if your on talk coz i am sooooooooooooooooo bored man
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