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Falling In Love.

This Isn't my best but I had a few things in my head and this is what came out....
Read and Tell me what you think. Please and Thank you.

Falling In Love

Feelings of such love
only a life experience could provoke
Saying that I did,
Only watching it grow
I love without a trace of doubt
Something so special,
feelings of being grateful, of life itself

Something You can not let go of
Yet one day your time of end will come
Admiration of life's end
For I fell in love with death itself
A feeling of such no one could understand
Only I can truly comprehend

Metaphorical poem,
not the type I'd write
More like
its exactly what it sounds like
No metaphors no similes,
Its all so true...
Death has come knocking on my door

Not suicidal, not exactly dying
I'm only just in love with death itself
What he does,
what he has done,
what he will do,
A love foolish to some
A love found to be true
Crazy to some
Yet only one and I have comprehension
Not a living soul could get between the feeling

I know you're not entirely
unreal to the eye
For I've seen you and you I
No need to worry for I will never tell
Your secret is safe with me
For I myself are a little confused and weary
Your touch, ever so deadly
Your stare so dark and deep
Undressing thoughts within a blink
A myth to some
Only to the ones who've never met you
I believe you are near as too the touch

You came to take me to the land of the dead
Almost four times before I was ever born
Then thrise times more
Yet here I am it isn't my time to go
Your time, my time, our time will come
When it is time to once more reunite
Only for an instant will we be together
Then time to trade places
Leaving me as your sole heir
A dream so far that I aspire
An allusion I found to myself...
Falling in love, With Death and all its torment

No comprehension of peoples fear
Death will come one day, why not embrace it
Leaving others to grieve, take it as a treat
Everyone dies, no scientist or doctor
Can stop death when its your time
Not a mechanical heart not an artificial mind
Enjoying life and all its delights
For when I get to see the lights
That's when my real life will unwind

Embracing my time of death
Has brought me to understand life
What it has to offer,
Its even brought me to see
That some of you take a lot for granted
Something you will regret as for me I'm pleased
Death I have embraced even learned to love it...

By: Clown*Dolly
March 3rd. 2010
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