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Fuk FAkeZ


Active member
Mar 3, 2010
Best answers
HerEZ tOO alL thOSe Fukn BITCHEs Who i THought HAd MAa BAck...I stoOK it With You thE FuXZn loNGest ANd YOu pLay ME liKE a BItCH..Fuxn FAkez Tehzz DAyz All FUckk TAlk saY theY got YOur Fuknn BAck N staB yoU IN the Fukn baCkk...LIke a Fuxn straNger..Fuk NO bITch TRust NO HOe...Fuk alL the HoodratZA who TAke HynaZ men...IVe LIved IT ive LEarNEd it..Fuk the HYpOcriTz Who say Shit ANd dsoNT stICK it OUT in THe enD all YOU are Are A BUNch OF fyXn laMEz Walking ArouND aCting BAdaZz wheN in reAlity YOu aiNT shit ...BItCHeZz Lke YOu canT be TRustEd Or fearED BUt threAtened ANd intiMIdaTEd..CUz alL YOu are Are FUXn hooDratz talkiN liP..FUk the HAterZ fuK the BIcheZ..Fuk The BItCHezz WHo i thOUGH i had MY MUThaFUknn BAckz YOU guys Are All fuxn biTCHEz YOu can suCK on A dick and choKe ON it...FUKn LAmez..YOu LOst a TRue Fuxn FRienD....I was THEree FOr YOu i HAd YOUr FUxn BAck and YOu act ShadiI with MY bitchEz i didnt DO shiT to YOu BUtt fuCK you allL hateN azz BItCHes...hOpe YOu guys Have FUN backstaBIIn YOur faKEz HAHAHAHHAha nIKKAh last LAugh IS mINe ....KEep TAlkiN lIP wile I watCH BAck n See YOu guys SElf destruCT ahahahah IM OUTZzzz ....
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