you think you're slick with your
measuring stick?
waiting your turn to call me a spic.
the nightmare will only get worst before you get better.
the swimmers will only get across
staying and appearing more wetter
joined by the inner tube team "no matter."
c'mon land grabber stop drooling who really do you think you're set for foolin'?
maybe a leftover brainwashed detective maybe but,-no siree not me.
passing out papers with the American Flag-look im JehoVAhs ain't gotta buy that!
Salute what? your confederate dream-er-RAt A TaT TaT..
writes for rights[wavey]
measuring stick?
waiting your turn to call me a spic.
the nightmare will only get worst before you get better.
the swimmers will only get across
staying and appearing more wetter
joined by the inner tube team "no matter."
c'mon land grabber stop drooling who really do you think you're set for foolin'?
maybe a leftover brainwashed detective maybe but,-no siree not me.
passing out papers with the American Flag-look im JehoVAhs ain't gotta buy that!
Salute what? your confederate dream-er-RAt A TaT TaT..
writes for rights[wavey]