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hElP mE oUt!!


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i wAs witH My vAtO 4 1yEar n 7 mOntHs bUt aPenAz lAst wEEk hE bRokEd uP WitH mE bUt dA pRoblEm nOw iS dAt wE Still dO dA tHiNgs wE uSe 2 dO cOmo Si wE wErE Stll 2gEtHer ANd pUez i wAnNa kNw iF dAtz RitE oR iS it wRoNg???

sUmoNe Plz lEt mE kNw!!!
well its not bad but its also not good. i know you still must love him but you have to tell him that if he wants to be wit you like that then he really needs to be wit you
i think its bad gurl. i dnt think das right i mean ur not 2gether anymore.... so u shuldnt b doin nuthin lyk dat. n if he relli loves u n shit den why he left yu?
WEll dA dAy HE BR0KEd UP Wid ME i liEd 2 My M0M ANd tld HER i WAz G0NNA BE Wid HiM BUt i didNt iNStEAd i WAz KiCkN it Wid dA H0MEGiRlz ANd H0MEB0yz ANd WE G0t HiGH ANd PUEz HE SAW ME ANd G0t MAd At ME CUz HE dNt lyk ME HANGn 0Ut Wid EM CUz i GUEzz dA GiRlz i WAz Wid R H00dRAtz ANd PUEz yEA i GUEzz dA GUyz tAlk AB0Ut HER ANd ME HANGN 0Ut Wid HER MiGHt MAkE EM tHiNk iM lyk EM BUt NA SO dAz y BUt yEA HE F0UNd 0Ut i liEd 2 My M0M AB0Ut ME BEiNG Wid HiM ANd PUEz HEllA 0tHA SHit CUz i GUyz i KiCk M0RE WiD My FRiENdz dEN HiM ANd PUEz HE dNt WNt A lAdy lyk dAt S0 yEA BUt i dNt KNW
Ignore him stop talking to him, he obviously does not love you and just wants to use you for sex when he is horny and has nobody else. I do this to chicks that I don't like I only call them up when im horny.. If your ok with this then its not a big deal but if you like the guy and don't want to be used you really need to slowly drop contact with the guy and eventually stop talking to him.
gurl idk either im n da same problem but im pregnant n i no ma boy still love e he jux dnt kno what too do u know hs fuccin all up and i no he wants tha baby but i dnt kno what hes thinkin
First off...I think that you should just move on. If you hang out more with your firends than with him anyway, then you might not be ready for a relationship. Take time to enjoy your single-ness. You're too young and too pretty to have to feel tied down to just one guy. Good luck girl
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