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iSTill lOVE YOU..

time has pass
and everything change
but theres still one place
that stayed the same..
and that is my lonley heart

wen we first met
it was love at sight
iilove you from the very start
but we never finish together at the end

you wanted to walk the other way
buh ididnt want to
no matter what you always stayed
when you were so gone..
iwasnt iwas still here loving you for so long

idont wanna open my eyes see
ijus wanna see you..
thinkin if you really love me
it be true love wen you come bak

im here waiting to give you my heart
ipicked the piecesz even tho ittorn n rip apart
it stil has the same love when you left..

&& im still waiting till dis day
waiting for jus lonely night or day
for it to all change
and take it bakk wit us lyk nothing
has never change...
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