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Mexican Party


Legendary Poster
Feb 4, 2007
Best answers
1. Some of the guests didn't bring a gift - but brought extra
uninvited kids.

2. The party is separated into women cooking, men drinking,
and kids playing.

3. The party is at Chuck E. Cheese but they brought their own
food, cake and a Pi?ata.

4. It's a child's party, but there are more grown ups than

5. It's Mijo's 1st birthday and the party food is carne asada,
arroz, frijoles and 10 cases of beer.

6. For entertainment, instead of playing pin the tail on the
donkey, there is usually a televised baseball or
futbol game, or a live fight.

7. The party was supposed to be over at 5pm, but its 7:30pm
and the party is just starting.

8. The host calls someone who's on their way and tells them to
stop and get some tortillas and ice.

9. You hear someone go up to the birthday child and say,
Mira, que lindo. I'm going to have to get you
something next week when I get paid."

10. The party is Saturday, and you get a call from the hostess
Friday saying,"I'm giving Mijo a birthday part tomorrow at 3pm"

11. Some guest bring gifts that are still in the Wal-Mart bag.

12. The cake didn't come from the store; it came from the
mother of the comadre of your best friend's sister who
makes really good cakes.

13. You are told you have to save your plate and fork you ate
your food with,so you can eat your cake.

14. Guests automatically wrap up a plate of food and cake to
take home.

15. It's Mijo's birthday, but since his cousin Maria is there
and her birthday is in a few days, it becomes Mijo's
and Maria's party.

[violent] fucku
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