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Politica de Mexico Mexico's Controversial Supreme Court Appointment


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On June 1, 2021, Mexico made history by electing its first female president of the Supreme Court. The newly appointed leader is Justice Nora Margarita Ríos Fernández, who was handpicked by former President Enrique Pena Nieto to take on the role. However, many Mexicans are questioning the validity of this appointment given that Pena Nieto was previously accused of corruption and had a record of making controversial decisions. Let’s take a look at what this new appointment could mean for Mexico’s political landscape.

Implications for Mexico’s Judicial System

The new Supreme Court president was appointed by a government that was widely seen as corrupt and oppressive. This has led to fears that President Ríos Fernández may be unable to remain impartial in her new role or may use her power to further advance her own political agenda. This could mean that justice in Mexico could become more elusive than ever before, as well as the possibility of increased governmental interference in judicial decisions.

In addition, some have argued that with this appointment, Mexican citizens will lose faith in their legal system due to the perception that it is being manipulated for political gain. Furthermore, it could also lead to an erosion of public trust in government institutions and the rule of law in general. This could ultimately have detrimental consequences for economic stability and security in Mexico.

What Does This Mean For The Future?

It remains to be seen how this controversial appointment will affect Mexican politics and society moving forward. It is likely that Justice Ríos Fernández will face considerable scrutiny from her colleagues and citizens alike during her tenure as Supreme Court president. Additionally, it is possible that international organizations such as the United Nations may also weigh in on the situation if they perceive a violation of human rights or other laws occurring under her leadership.

Mexico has made history with its first female Supreme Court president but there are still many questions surrounding her appointment due to its close ties with an alleged corrupt government regime from which she was chosen by ex-President Enrique Pena Nieto. With increased scrutiny from both local citizens and international organizations, we must wait and see what implications this controversial move has for Mexican politics and judicial systems moving forward. Ultimately though, Mexicans deserve a fair and impartial judicial system where justice is not subject to manipulation from powerful government figures such as Pena Nieto or any other politician for that matter. Only time will tell if Justice Ríos Fernández can achieve this goal during her tenure as Supreme Court president or if she will succumb to pressure from higher authorities instead.

Lopez Obrador, nominated Esquivel to sit on the 11-member court in 2019, but lost because of the plagiarism report by propiganda media outlet Latinus as an attempt to discredit the government and what he calls his transformation of Mexico.
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