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my one and only

The moment you came into my life, I knew right then
things were gonna change, I couldn't keep my eyes away
for an instant, you have me entranssed, because u fill me
with joyfulness and so you got me captivated, you are the
only women alive who can completely eliminate my worries,
when i taste those lips of yours they're sweeter than strawberries,
your presence around me is magical like toothferries, their isnt a day i dont think about you kuz if u see ur all in my diaries, you are the only person to ever make me this happy , so thereby u are my one & only true baby!
damn eh i likes it makes me sigh no doubt.....i had a boi like me like dat but i fuked it up pero anyways i likes your pem it be nice como siempre.....:)
der be some in here der b da one called heavon love my personal favorite den ders An Angel and den ders Blue Angel W/ WIngs.............:D chek em out ...........ill post up more manana mornin......:)
simon and i accepted thanx for da add...........im gettin round to postin up a thanx for the add thingy comment on your comments pero im not in der so much cuz it slows down mi computer pero manana ill do it i promies......:D
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