Legendary Poster
A love that over whelms my soul
A passion so strong it leaves
Me tembling in its wake
Words don't express the feelings its
tears are rich, like wine and a rose
With its feverish power and scent
My heart quakes with the storm
of Emotions so much a desire so so
Strong to share the passion in our
Souls to feel the power race from my body
To his or his body to mine we share the
Firery passion clinging
to each other as we drown in a flood of
Hard emotions and that only that is
Sex with hot love.
A passion so strong it leaves
Me tembling in its wake
Words don't express the feelings its
tears are rich, like wine and a rose
With its feverish power and scent
My heart quakes with the storm
of Emotions so much a desire so so
Strong to share the passion in our
Souls to feel the power race from my body
To his or his body to mine we share the
Firery passion clinging
to each other as we drown in a flood of
Hard emotions and that only that is
Sex with hot love.