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My Reality


New member
May 30, 2010
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These tears i hide through the day, and the night;
Fuel the fire in my veinz, and push me harder for this fight;
My heart pounds with a passion:not of love, and not of hate;
This confusion and displacement has my mind going different ways;
A web of lies: this is my life: this is like a cancer eating my insides;
I can feel my demons submerge once remembering what I've done and what I've heard;
Sudden gusts of loneliness chill me deep inside my soul;
Is it my fate to be surrounded with such hate;
Will it always hurt for me to smile, or to b happy every once in a while;
I just cant stand the way things are, why people lie and act so "Hard";
I've shut out all these feelings, sociopathic you could say;
It is as yesterday, before & even all once passed today;
So now i smoke my trees to get as high as can be;
My mind can fly as great the altitudes that i please;
Now lets drift so i can escape My Reality;
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