my really good friends met this guy @ this club when she was 14, & he was 17, they got to no each other & it seemed like he was a good guy, so they started to go out, everythin was goin good, she lots her virginity to him & like 2 weeks later he stop callin her, & she knew something was wrong, her sis called hes phone & this girl answered & claimed to be his wife, he was liein to her all along & hes wife barely came from mexico & has a babi, but it really seemed like he liked her he took so much shit from her, he cryed over her when she would brake up with him, we never expected this from him, her mom found out the she was sleepin w/ him & wants to take him to court & deport him to mexico, but she doesnt want to do it, but her mom is forcin her, so wat do u guys think.......