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~*pLzZ HeLp oUt A FrIeNd*~

wElL I HaVe a fRiEnD DaT ToLd mE ShE ThOuGhT SHe wAz pReGnanT CuZ ShE HaZnT GoT HeR PeRiOd iN 2 MoNtHs. ShE ToLd mE DaT HeR Bf tOld hEr b-4 dEy hAd sEx dAt If sHe gOt pReGnAnT ShE WouLd hAvE 2 hAnDlE It oN HeR OwN. BuT Da dUmbAsS(JK) dId iT AnY WaYz nOw sHe dOeSnT KnOe wAt 2 dO, ShE DoEsNt hAvE MoNeY 4 A PrEgNeCy tEsT,N I WoUlD HeLp hEr oUt bUt iM bRoKe 2 n i DoNt kNoE WAT 2 Do. So pPle gIvE Me aDvIcE Of wAt 2 dO.:(
well thats fuked up on his part....btu hey, it is what it is girl...anyway, i was in a similar situation...i bought the test for her and she ended up not being pregnant but anyway, jsut be there for her.....i think thats all you can do.....
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