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She suddenly wants to be "just friends"

I met this girl a few months ago. We'd been hanging out as part of a group for a while, then recently started just hanging out together and texting each other basically all day.

After a few weeks of this, I asked if she wanted to be more than friends, and she did. We went on two dates after that. After the first one, she went on about how much fun she had and how she couldn't wait to see me again. She seemed really excited about me in general ("I had so much fun last night" etc.). But, after the second one, I asked her if she had fun, but she just said she was "struggling with the more than friends thing".

I tried to give her some time to think, but I couldn't help it and started asking questions. The only reason she would give is that she "thought she liked me that way, but now she doesn't think she does". When I asked her what caused her to change her mind, she said "You're cute, interesting, nice, and funny, so I don't really know why I don't like you in that way."

So, I was just wondering if anyone could give me some insight into what could possibly be going through her mind. I don't understand how she can list a bunch of reasons to like me, but then say that she doesn't.

I'm just so confused, and I feel like there must be something she isn't telling me. It's like she instantly went from being all excited to "feeling awkward".

Most importantly, I'm wondering if there's any hope...

DAMN i heard this 1 before well umm okay there's a chance that she likes you i mean c'mon she was hella feeling you at first... now shes kinda pulling herself away from you. when hynas do that i mean either they had a change of heart and see you more like a homie or honestly it could be the fact that another dude moved or is moving into the picture and she's kinda into that person more but don't assume just yet i mean talk to her on the real if i was you i would talk with that person face to face cuz you can usually tell when somethings up by their expressions and see whats really up between you guys u feel me but i hope all works out if not then keep your head up and don't give up :o
Anoda idea could b dat she might like u but she also thinks dat if yall becum more den friends, n den sumthing happens n yall break up den da relationship as friends wont b da same nomores. Or also she probly has feelings 4 sumbody else but she was probly tryin to make sure on how deep her feelings 4 u were. N she realized dat she probly likes da oda person more. But da only way dat u gonna knw 4 sure is if u ask her straight up no beatin round da bush.
.maybe she does like yu like that but i quess that wen she went out in that date with you shes scared that shes qanna lose yu && that its better off as frens.thats my thouqht of view.thats happend to me before
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