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Simón Bolívar had a lasting impact on many Mexicans


Sep 30, 2006
Best answers
Simón Bolívar had a lasting impact on many Mexicans because he fought against the Spanish colonial rule of the Americas. At the age of 47, the greatest character America had known at the time died, but not before helping countries gain independence from Spanish rule throughout Latin America.

Simón Bolívar fought 447 battles, rode 123 thousand kilometers, 10 times more than Hannibal, three times more than Napoleon and twice more than Alexander the Great, with a great difference over all of them: he never did it to conquer, but to liberate.

The President of Mexico paid his respect to Simón Bolívar during a government ceremony.

Bolivar hoped to unite all South American countries into one nation. He did not succeed in this plan. Instead, his leadership helped establish what are now the nations of Colombia, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela.

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