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sleepless nights..

[jus had write it out..
the sleepless nights
having you on my mind...
all ido is think & dream
only jus only you..
nobody else cud ever
take your place in my heart..
your always gonna stay
and never be replace...
even a blind man can see
that im in love with you..
but why iwonder why?
if our love was so
true and so right
then why cudnt we
why cudnt we
still be...
still be as one...
....now wer done...
as days grows to nights
boy you still havent
left my heart& my mind...
[dedicated to tha one istill love]
ya i dedicate this 2 my baby A.~!.

i couldn't be more happier right after i'd read this message it really did gave me heads up towards keep doin what we doin as a pareja knowing that m that special person will be there for you no matter what hu good poem love it man!.
i couldn't be more happier right after i'd read this message it really did gave me heads up towards keep doin what we doin as a pareja knowing that m that special person will be there for you no matter what hu good poem love it man!.

De que habla este quey.....................................just bs'n haha.....................

waitin for the next one ladii. [Loco]
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